So What is Tantric Massage?Tantric massage, or tantra massage is a sensory experience of ‘nature of Tantra’, and in fact, everything can be ‘tantra’.

Everything become ‘tantric’ when you pay attention and listen to your deepest self and this also means smelling a flower, watching a sunset, cooking, making love eating … well, tantric can be anything relating to sensory experience, when one pays close attention of that experience, being so acutely aware of it that at some point merging with the experience itself, retreating into and becoming one with it. The Tantric massage is, therefore, in fact, tantric experience. It becomes a great opportunity for meditation and self expansion, a continuous listening to the deepest needs and desires of the true self, the self uncontaminated by stresses and strains of day to day life, as well as by the patterns of cultural and personal conditioning an egotist desires .

The masseuse, which should be an expert in tantric practices, will use tantric techniques to lead the session, making the receiver of the massage to feel at ease and leave the session with increased well being, confidence and greater self awareness, being able to expand their feelings and perceptions through the physical but beyond the physical realm of the reality.

The characteristic of the Tantric massage are such that there is practically no limit to its expression.

Clearly it is not necessary or required that the masseuse and her client should be interested predominantly in genital areas, as it is often mistakenly believed.

However, this is not necessarily excluded when awareness and openness of the receiver is such that the sexual component of tantric massage may give rise to misunderstandings or malicious thoughts for no reason. The human body is a whole and everything is sacred, worthy and deserving of attention. There are no areas restricted by the Spirit. Unfortunately, in our society, and particularly in London, the bad information and education is still widespread. The Tantric massage is not sex, let alone an opportunity to express base instincts. It’s time to return to the sacredness of Being in its totality.

In respect of the person and of his nature there is no tantric massage standard that can be defined as such, but there exist different modes of performance with limits and boundaries of expression dictated solely by individual preferences and their level of development – a person should not be forced in any way – ever!

For someone a few cuddles might be enough, but the more advanced level of tantric massage would mean the ability to rightly use the sexual energy – which is the most powerful energy that humans can to feel physically – a potential energy that can transform and expand in all spheres of Being.

To learn more, visit this website: Tantric Massage London
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